OneSignal is the fastest and most reliable service to send push notifications, in-app messages, SMS, and emails.
- You can create or login to an account of oneSignal in the link below :
- You will also need a Firebase Account to use Server Key and Sender ID to create an app on OneSignal platform.
Setting a OneSignal new app
For one to send push notification using oneSignal, one needs to set up an app:
- Select New App / Website. button to be taken to a page to create new app.
- Fill the name of the app and select the platform you would like to use. Either Apple iOS(APNs) or Google Android(FCM).
Android Setup
- On selecting Google Android(FCM) after filling out the name. You will be required to fill out the Server Key and Sender Id from firebase.
- Select your target SDK in our case React Native / Expo
- Select done.
IOS Setup
- On selecting Apple iOS(APNs) after filling out the name. You will be required to fill your will be required to upload a Certificate and Certificate Password.
- Read the iOS documentaion on how to obtain the above
- Select your target SDK in our case React Native / Expo
- Select done.
Getting Messenger Key and Messenger Id
To obtain messenger key and messenger id, you will be required to get OneSignal App ID and Rest Api Key.
- From the oneSignal app dashboard select setting from top nav bar
- Select Keys & IDs from top tab to view oneSignal keys and Rest Api Key
- Copy the Rest Api Key and OneSignal App ID that you will use to configure BILDI-CMS oneSignal push feature.